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Can we simply block negative energy and malefic works being thrown at us??? Of course we can! BUT..... since your haters took their precious time and energy to send the energy, why not transmute it into something useful for yourself. This conjure oil does just that! Crafted with potent ingredients such as camphor, lavender, sunflower and eucalyptus(just to name a few) through Ceremonial Angelic Magick, this oil will turn any unjust negative energy towards you into blessings of prosperity, abundance, and all things beautiful for you. It will also repel any negative entities, and protect from psychic attacks. This oil is extremely potent, and a little bit will go a VERY long way. Only 2 or 3 drops will be all you need to dress a protection candle, or sachet. You can also simply annoint your Crown and/or 3rd Eye Chakras(VERY useful and necessary for Readers) and move abour your day in peace knowing that you're protected because your haters are now(unbeknownst to them) doing you favors

What Weapon Protection Oil

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