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For the first time, I am sharing rituals from my private Grimoire in order to help you on your journey. Whether you're new to the path, or have been traveling it for a while, this will be a good addition to your own Grimoire. I formulated this Incantation and Ritual over 20 years ago, and it works EVERYTIME, AND it works swiftly and effectively!  


Sometimes, we are experiencing a period of stagnancy because there are people around us that are not conducive to our growth. We have all seen real life examples of what happens at the hands of fake friends, unaligned partners, and toxic relatives, but that doesn't always involve a fake friend stealing from you, or plotting on sleeping wit your partner, or plotting physical harm against you. Sometimes, a person having negative energy towards you and your goals is enough to knock things off track. You're trying to manifest your dreams, and they're secretly preying on your downfall. This in energetic betrayal and sabotage. The sad and ironic thing about betrayal in any form, is that it never comes from an enemy. Whether it be fake friends, and unaligned romantic partner, or toxic relatives, this will show you who the snakes are that are hidden in your garden, AND give you the ability to do something about it. 


This 2-step Ritual is designed to reveal hidden enemies to you, AND detatch and depart from them once they reveal themselves so that you can put them, and leave them where they belong........ AWAY FROM YOU! 


You will receive both the Revelation and the Detachment Incantations in color and in black and white in order to give you an ink-saving option. After your purchase, you will also receive a link to a private Youtube video where I break down the incantations for you and give you detailed instructions for the ritual itself.  This ritual may seem very simple, but it is EXTREMELY powerful.

Reveal & Release Ritual

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