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This product is a way to help those in need. Often, I run into people via social media, when I'm out and about, and I even make a generous yeaarly donation to a local shelter for women and children who have escaped a situation of Domestic Violence. This particular one means quite a lot to me because when I was younger, and my mother was a victim of DV, this is the same shelter that we stayed in. I am of the mind that to whom much is given, much is required, and whilst even if I was a billionaire, It would never seem like enough to offer all the help that people need, but, your contributions help me to do that. 


4x6 Affirmation Card

I created this affirmation for you after much thought, prayer, and meditation. It is not simply an affirmation to bring you abundance, but to help you CLEAR your abundance blocks. I personally have found that the reason why a lot of people(even myself at one point) struggle with manifestation is because of unaddressed blocks that work against your actual desire. This affirmation was created by me for you to help practice Spiritual Alchemy as well. I used elements of a Hawaiian Spiritual Alchemy practice called "Ho'oponopono" This term itself means to "correct a mistake" or  "make it right." This will help you to clear your abundance blocks and should be repeated at least three times daily in order to help keep those blocks from reforming and bring about the prosperity that you desire AND deserve.


I am of the belief that when you give, you get, and when you can share what you have with others, no matter how small, the floodgates of blessings open up. I am offering this item for the purpose of helping someone out that really needs it. Any and all purchases of this item are greatly appreciated.

Circulating Abundance

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