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Herbal remedies have been a part of my life for all of my life. Growing up, we didn't go back and forth to the doctor unless something was broken, or we needed stitches. It was always "drink some of this" or "take some of this" or "put some of that on it". I always did as told and as a child, I didn't understand how these things work, I just knew they made me feel better. I've studied many years and have taken many classes and used real life experience to learn how these wonderful plants that grow right out of the ground can help us to achieve and maintain health. That was only the beginning. I always took an interest into esoteric studies and began to understand how the energetic body and physical body work together, and began to understand the importance of how to approach health and healing as a whole, and that no one part is independent or separate from the other. I Studied Medical Astrology under a brilliant teacher and friend of mine that helped me to understand, and be able to use the original science (the study of the stars), as a tool in healing. After that, I needed the icing on this cake of holistic awesomeness, and I began to look into energy healing. I did a lot of studying and research on Reiki and decided it was time to take the next step on my path. I found a wonderful Master teacher and became attuned to Reiki about a year ago and it was kind of like the overdrive gear on this wonderful path that I've been traveling. I continued to advance in it, and continue to hone and master this as well. There's a saying that goes "To whom much is given, much is required." I believe this wholeheartedly. The creator has blessed me with an eagerness to learn, the gift to be able to master anything I've learned, the courage to walk a path that most don't always see as "normal", and the mission to help those that need it. From an early age, I knew it was my purpose to be a healer and I've gladly accepted the call. I am so excited to bring my healing to those that need it and I see it as the greatest honor to be of service to others, to shed light into the darkness, and to be the helping hand to those in need.
Until we meet, I send you Love and Light


Mother's Medicine is a Charlotte, NC based company that specializes in all natural healing, herbal remedies, Reiki therapy and astrological health readings. We promote an all natural vegan lifestyle and have assisted many others in transitioning from a traditional meat eating diet to a more healthy vegan or vegetarian diet. We also assist with wellness consulting, detoxifying the body, as well as the spirit and offering organic herbal remedies, energy healing and sound/vibrational healing.
Reiki therapy sessions are offered in the Charlotte Metro area only, however herbal health consultations and astrological health readings can be done via phone or online webcam domestically & Internationally.
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